Key Takeaways from the 2024 AI Index Report

Stanford University recently released their seventh annual AI Index Report.

Among the top takeaways…

  • AI makes workers more productive and improves the quality of work, reducing the time for certain tasks by 26% to 73%

  • Industry continues to dominate frontier AI research, with 83% of models resulting from industry or industry-academia collaborations

  • Training costs for state-of-the-art models have reached unprecedented levels, with OpenAI’s GPT-4 using $78M worth of compute to train and Google’s Gemini Ultra using $191M

  • 2/3 of notable AI models originated from U.S.-based institutions in 2023, with the EU and China contributing most of the remainder

  • Generative AI investment grew 8X in 2023 to over $25B, led by major players including OpenAI, Anthropic, Hugging Face, and Inflection.

  • Around the globe, people are more aware and more apprehensive about AI, with 66% believing AI will dramatically affect their lives in the next 3-5 years, but with over half feeling more concerned than excited about AI

Read the full report here:

Artificial Intelligence Index Report - 2024


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